Evolving Tomorrow's Premium Cars

A road trip to the future.
It's fun to imagine what the cars of the
future will look like. But for BMW, this
is a real and pressing challenge. So,
together with Icon Added Value, they
developed the Future Lab - a research
model for the year 2020.
Two potential 'mobility outlooks' were imagined. The first projected a gradual evolutionary process, and the second, drastic change. The two scenarios took into account ideas around economy vs. ecology, for example, amongst other factors. The concept of 'premium' was also examined. What would this mean in ten years' time?

Some 84 drivers were interviewed across Germany, the USA and China. Each was shown short films to encourage an emotional response, and then presented with talk boards with more factual information.

Their input was great, and the feedback from the BMW client even better. Said Monika Dernai, a research specialist for the company: 'The findings... will surely influence decisions concerning the future product portfolio.'