
Information, Insight & Consultancy

Millward Brown Brazil

Evaluating Branded Content

Evaluating Branded Content

Lights, camera, product placement!
In Brazil, Millward Brown designed a media
tracking study to evaluate 'branded content'
as a communication discipline. The agency
was a pioneer in this effort, developing an
entirely new way of researching ad efficacy.
There is little doubt that consumer behaviour has changed drastically over the last two decades. Loyalty and passivity have been replaced by engaging (and shifting) communication opportunities. So just how do people evaluate a brand's activities when these venture beyond a traditional television commercial?

Millward Brown devised a method of quantitatively measuring the effects of branded content in sponsorships, TV testimonials, product placement examples (in soaps and reality programming), and advertorials in magazines. The two-stage analysis evaluated brand impact, then controlled for subjects not exposed to the communication.

Millward Brown's client was delighted with the research results, which noted the subtleties and necessary synergies of branded content. In fact, the information is so potent, the report remains almost entirely confidential.