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TNS logoTNS Key Insight Report: Digital Life Digital World
December 2008

DigitalAround the world, countries have welcomed in the new digital era at various speeds and to different degrees. Asia is rapidly embracing social media and Europe is incorporating the internet more and more into its daily business and personal communications, North America has become the most vigilant when it comes to revealing personal information online. What all countries have in common is an overwhelming growth in awareness of the internet and its capabilities.

In this report - Digital World, Digital Life - we try to capture how the internet fits into the lives of residents from sixteen countries across the world. How digital are their lives? How do they use the internet? Is a digital life the same as a social life or does a social life today require a complementary digital life? This study takes a comprehensive look at these issues and offers answers to these questions and many more.

Click here to view or download the report (pdf)

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